Friday, April 20, 2007

Top 5 Ways MPL is Better Than the Academic Libraries I've Worked At

(Apologies to Ben Miller, and for ending the headline with a preposition.)

Missoula Public Library is the third library where I've worked.
The first was...
Love (awwww!) Library at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln,
which has like 3 million items.

And the second was...
Davidson Library at the University of California-Santa Barbara,
which has probably 2.5 million items.

But I think I like working at the Missoula Public Library best, and here are the top reasons why:

5. It's 215 easy steps from my door to the library.
4. Never have to go to storage and find vol. XIII of The Royal East Prussian Journal of the Scientific Study of Platyhelminthes and Annelids which no doubt is covered in 87 years worth of dust.
3. Patrons are here because they want to be (for the most part), not because their professor gave them an assignment three months ago that's due tomorrow.
2. No working until 2am during Dead Week.
1. The emphasis is more on books for reading, rather than books for archiving.

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