Friday, August 28, 2009

On the road

The Bookmobile is hitting the road again this weekend, heading over to the River Market tomorrow (Saturday). Last time we had a blast reading stories to our youngest visitors...

All this travelling around made me start thinking about road trips-- that epic, American, coming-of-age, cross-country journey. Of course, we all think of John Steinbeck's classic Travels with Charley when we think of road trip books. But what other road trip books have you enjoyed? Go ahead, throw in a few movie suggestions while you're at it...


Kyle M. said...
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Kyle M. said...

Oh! One of my favorite "genres" encompasses road trip books: the travelogue! So for your nonfiction reading pleasure, might I recommend the following:

My first is a road trip tragedy, but a great read: INTO THE WILD by Jon Krakauer (a brilliant nonfiction writer).

Next is a road-by-foot book: A WALK IN THE WOODS by Bill Bryson. Bryson is hilarious and heartwarming all at the same time and another talented writer that should be on everyone's bookcase (in my not so humble opinion).

Another Bryson book for road trippers would be THE LOST CONTINENT: TRAVELS IN SMALL-TOWN AMERICA (or for an Australian flavor, IN A SUNBURNED COUNTRY). Aw heck, just read a Bryson book, pick one.

Then there's Cash Peters' NAKED IN DANGEROUS PLACES skewers his time as host of the show Stranded and was a pretty good time.

If none of those work for you, then there's always Tim Cahill. Try ROAD FEVER for the road trip theme (though my favorite is LOST IN MY OWN BACKYARD).

Whew...I hope that helps fuel your wanderlust. Happy reading!

Anonymous said...

Great idea on A WALK IN THE WOODS, I remember listening to it on audio while I did yard work and laughing out loud -- I'm sure my neighbors thought I was completely off my rocker.

Kyle M. said...

Ha! I have a similar story. There's a part in there about Bill attempting to move his tent to confuse a possible bear lurking in the woods and the comment it elicits from his friend that had me in tears when I first heard it. I guess it's worth mentioning that Bill Bryson tends to read his own audiobooks, so his intonation is, as you'd expect, spot on.

Anonymous said...

Not to be too obvious, but what about On the Road by Jack Kerouac?