Saturday, August 15, 2009

Fast Times At Missoula Public Library

Is it just me, or was summer abnormally short this year? As usual, last May I had a long list of summer adventures planned for myself and whoever else I could lure in to going adventuring with me, and as usual, I didn't even get through half the on my list. Oh well.

Anyway, to put myself in the mood for the coming school year, I've been revisiting some of my favorite "high school" movies. You know what I'm talking about: Dazed And Confused, Fast Times At Ridgemont High, Rushmore, Election, But I'm A Cheerleader, Mean Girls, and, of course, all those John Hughes classics like The Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Pretty In Pink, and Sixteen Candles.

I also think there's a lot of bad high school movies out there, as well as several good high school movies I haven't seen. Maybe someone out there will respond to let me know if I'm missing out on an especially good one???

So, you're stocked up on popcorn, you've got you're best buddies in tow, you're headed off to the video store to check out Dazed and Confused, and then it hits you: you can check that movie (and all the rest of those I mentioned) out from the huge AV collection at the Missoula Public Library! Some of those titles are available right at the Missoula Library and some come here from our partner libraries across the state. Either way, though, it's free to check the movies out and you get to keep the movies for 10 days if its on DVD or 28 days if its on VHS.

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