Monday, August 3, 2009

Books on My Desk

Today on my desk are piles and piles of childrens’ books—but wait, don’t turn away so fast adults & teens! While the intended audience for these titles may be kids, they are loads of fun for all ages. In fact the library has a special collection called Picture Books for EVERYONE.

This growing collection features books that are longer, or have content that is more advanced than traditional picture books, but contain many illustrations. You can recognize these books by the "JE" written on the spine label.

Take a quick break from your normal reading routine and browse this section. I’m sure you’ll find a treasure.

Alright, back to my desk. Today I am processing…

Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed by Mo Willems
“Wilbur is different from the other naked mole rats in the colony: he wears cloths (and he likes it!). But what will happen when Grand-pah, the oldest, wisest, and most naked naked mole rat ever, discovers Wilbur’s secret?”
(Pssst, you don’t want to miss out on Mr. Willem’s Pigeon books series. They are hilarious!)

Garfield: 30 Years of Laughs & Lasagna, the life & times of a fat, furry legend by Jim Davis
“When the world’s most famous feline hits the three-decade milestone it’s time to celebrate!”

The Adventurous Book of Outdoor Games: Classic Fun for Daring Boys and Girls by Scott Strother
“A treasure trove of the best neighborhood games invented by children since the beginning of time!” Plenty of great excuses here to get up off the couch. Red Rover anyone?

I loved playing tether-ball and pretty much any book by Roald Dahl when I was a kid. What were your favorite games or books from childhood? I want to know, so post a comment!

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