Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Facebook

Facebook: whether you like it or hate it, it's definitely sign of the times, as far as community goes. As for me, when I joined "The Facebook" about 2 years ago, I found myself obsessively fascinated with altering my status, checking friends' pages, and taking really dumb (but strangely addictive) personality quizzes, like "Which Rock Star Are You?" and "What Is Your Romantic Profile?" Incidental, I'm told by Facebook that these quizzes collectively are called a social quizzing system.... Huh?? What does that even mean???

These days, I try to limit my Facebook time. I'll grant that it's a useful social networking tool, but it's usefulness becomes a moot point when you-- and, of course, I mean "I" here-- use it to put off doing what you're supposed to do.

Anyway, I found an article on today called "The 12 Most Annoying Types of Facebookers" that profiles characters that all of us Facebookers have certainly run in to, for better or worse, such as "The Lurker,"The Town Crier," and "The Self-Promoter." I won't spoil the article for you by trying to paraphrase it, but in case you're curious, here's the link:

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