Monday, June 1, 2009

Oprah + Books

I recently learned of a Chicago woman calling herself Lo, who conducted a social experiment by living an entire year based on the advice of Oprah Winfrey. She chronicled her experiences (blissful and hellish) in a blog entitled Living Oprah. Whether you're a fan of Oprah or not, this blog is an interesting look at the "manner in which power is wielded by celebrities and...about how willing we are to hand over our power to our gurus."

Lo, short for Living Oprah, prepared recipes, enacted meditation practices, adopted home decor ideas, and read books as espoused on Oprah's talk show and magazine. She kept track of all the time and money it cost to live an Oprah inspired lifestyle. Apparently it wasn't easy or cheap. Luckily when it came to books Lo was able to save cash by borrowing from her local library.

You can save cash too, Missoula Public Library has a subscription to O: the Oprah Magazine and owns several titles from Oprah's Book Club (TM). Click here to view titles available in the library catalog.

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