Thursday, September 3, 2009

Word Woman

Welcome to another wild and wonderful episode of Word Woman's Weekly Work-Out! Well, it's officially back-to-school time now. Some of you out there are undoubtedly hitting the books and working up a sweat from all that studying even as we speak. For those of you who aren't, however, may I recommend the Word of the Week as a little stretch to help keep your mind in shape:

Production level: Although most police departments have established no quota, parking control officers are expected to meet a production level of approximately 17 overtime or illegal parking tickets every day in most major cities of the United States. An aggressive San Francisco meter maid wrote 362 citations in a single day - a record that still stands. That worked out to about 48 citations every hour. -- "Latest Intelligence: An International Directory of Codes Used by Government, Law Enforcement, Military and Surveillance Agencies", James E. Tunnell, Helen L. Sanders, Ed., TAB Books, Blue Ridge Summit, PA, 1990.

Example: "I could see the arrow click down to zero on the parking meter even as I reached for the handle of my car door, but the parking ticket was already there waiting for me on my windshield. I guess the parking official must have been trying to meet his production level for the day."

September is National Library Card Sign-up Month, and Missoula Public Library wants you to Think…MORE!

Jane was on her way home from work when her husband called her cell phone to let her know that his mother would be joining them for dinner. Knowing that her mother-in-law was lactose-intolerant, Jane realized that her plan for lasagna would not work tonight. Thinking fast, she stopped by the library and picked up a cookbook of dairy-free recipes and dinner was saved!

Just another cool thing you can do with your library card.

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