Friday, October 9, 2009

King Tut

Do you have a hold on James Patterson’s The Murder of King Tut: The Plot to Kill the Child King? I do, so I'm on the long list. Perhaps you've read it and your interest is piqued or you're like me and you want to read something similar while we wait. Here are some more titles on the Boy King:

The Egyptologist by Arthur Philips. Set in the 1920s, Egyptologist Ralph Trilipush risks his career and his reputation searching for the tomb of an ancient pharaoh.

The Laughter of Dead Kings by Elizabeth Peters, featuring art historian Vicky Bliss, contains a novel where Bliss sets off to find the missing mummy of King Tut.

Valley of the Kings: A Novel of Tutankhamun by Cecelia Holland. A fictional account of Howard Carter’s discovery of Tutankhamen’s long-lost tomb.

Tutankhamun, the Untold Story by Hoving, Thomas

King Tut's final secrets [videorecording (DVD)] by National Geographic.

For information on the King Tut Exhibition, visit this web site: or watch this amazing video:

Do you have any other suggestions to keep us occupied while others read the ever-popular Patterson book? Let us know in the comment section below.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for Patterson's new nonfiction book, too! Thank you for the recommendations! And, a video besides! Nice!