Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Ridin' The WALE

I spent last weekend with two of my co-workers at the WALE conference. WALE does not, as you may have thought, refer to the large mammal of the ocean, but rather the Washington Association of Library Employees.

The conference was held in Spokane and was quite beneficial. There was some great food, and we learned a few things too. I actually took quite a few things home from my workshops, which ranged from tackling procrastination to useful web based applications. And I won a MP3 player, as you can see above.

The keynote speaker was pretty great. I actually thought about dining and dashing, but stayed and Jess Walter was very enjoyable. I've never read any of his stuff, but I will now. He had a correspondence with Kurt Vonnegut and showed us a very cool leather bound, autographed copy of Sirens of Titan. I was, no doubt, impressed.

Now its back to the daily grind. In fact, I should get to bed, since I am working tomorrow.

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