Friday, October 26, 2007

Construction Update Part 2

I gave you all a tiny peek last time at the construction going on near the reference desk, but today we'll dig a little bit deeper. Over the past two days, painters have been working non-stop to get the walls done. Here is a quick peak through the window of what will soon be our directors office.

A bit further down we can see the two future quiet rooms. These rooms will be available to groups who want to study together and not disturb the other patrons, a service long overdue for our library.

With all the work they're putting in, it's a good thing the painters had some Rockstar Energy drink to keep them motivated.

We're still a long way off from being done, but progress is being made every day. Or at least most days.


Rita said...

All that construction going on, and I'm not there to watch. Eventually I will get back there to visit and see what changes have taken place. Can hardly wait to see the next updated pictures.

Anonymous said...

(Pssst... Ben, you spelled peek wrong)

Ben Miller said...

Sometimes spell check doesn't work the way it should...


Anonymous said...

there's another peak to attend to, but don't let that get you down.

Ben Miller said...

I've taken a peek at the other erroneous peak and adjusted it.