Thursday, March 31, 2011

Word Woman

Welcome to another entertaining episode of Word Woman's Weekly Work-Out! As tomorrow is the first of April, also known as April Fool's Day, be on the lookout for pranks and tricks designed to trip you up. Speaking of which, here is a word which always tripped me up until I got a good grip on it:


1. (a) lying on the back or with the face upward
(b) marked by supination

2. exhibiting indolent or apathetic inertia or passivity; especially : mentally or morally slack

3. (archaic) leaning or sloping backward

"supine", , 3/15/2011.

Example: Bill's supine position on the couch was characteristic of his supine attitude toward life in general.


Anonymous said...

Great writing! I want you to follow up to this topic!?!


Word Woman said...

Thanks! I will look into that. : )