Thursday, December 10, 2009

Word Woman

Welcome to another weird and wonderful installment of Word Woman's Weekly Work-Out! It's cold outside, so warm up your brain cells with a bit of mental exercise. Here's the Word of the Week to get you started:

Abstemious: (ab-stee-mee-us) [adjective] moderate in eating and drinking. -- "The New York Times Everyday Reader's Dictionary of Misunderstood, Misused, Mispronounced Words", Laurence Urdang, Ed., Weathervane Books, The New York Times Book Company, 1972.

Example: Janet was scrupulously abstemious during the holiday season, consequently she was able to make a different New Year's resolution than she had in years past. Instead of resolving to lose ten pounds, she vowed to buy herself a new wardrobe.

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