Monday, May 4, 2009

Unusual Coffee Table Books

Every month I check out a handful of library books to put on my end table. My friends and guests love to see the selection I bring home. I usually raid the oversize collection (housed on the east wall by the adult biographies) for art books and the like. Once in a while I'll throw in an odd title to catch people off guard.

These two titles got double takes from visitors to my house!

Bad Hair
by James Innes-Smith and Henrietta Webb [646.724 INNES]
Going to Prison? by Jimmy Tayounare [365.6 TAYOUN]

Bad Hair is composed entirely out of head shots of well, bad hair. The array of mullets & bouffants is quite startling. It also contains what I consider photographic evidence of Wolfman.

Going to Prison? is described as "a practical guide for the first-time offender to help ease the transition to prison life." Part 2 includes a packing list of personal items that are typically prison approved including 30 packs of cigarettes, and a section on staying safe. I hope I won't ever have to check this booklet out for practical purposes.

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