Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there! Some of you, like me, are probably working today instead of spending quality time with your family, so kudos to you for doing what it takes to keep it together. Here at the Library, we have put up a power wall display for the month of May dedicated to mothers and motherhood. Here are just a few of the titles we have on display and available for check-out:

"12 Simple Secrets Real Moms Know"
by Michele Borba

"The Mother's Guide to Self-Renewal"
by Renee Peterson Trudeau

"My Mother's Daughter"
by Irene Zahava

"Mother-Daughter Wisdom"
by Christiane Northrup

"The Wild Mother"
by Elizabeth Cunningham

"American Mom"
by Mary Kay Blakely

So, come check out these and many other books about being or having a mother. Oh, and guys, just in case you're feeling left out, there is a display of Man Fiction right next to it, with authors like Clive Cussler and Raymond Chandler. See, we didn't forget about you...

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