Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Montana Library Association

IMHO it was a great time in Great Falls. There were lots of good workshops, and yes, I can attest to Ben being there. Speaking of Ben being in attendance it was his birthday while we were there so... Friday night during the membership dinner there was a rock band playing as the "entertainment" so I (being the shy retiring librarian that I am) went up to the band to ask them if they knew Happy Birthday. I gave them a little background on Ben so they would understand that he was a fellow musician and the next thing I knew thay had invited him up to play a song with them. It took a few minute to line up their play lists to a matching song but we were treated to a great song with bass solos by our Ben. What fun we had and there are pictures to prove it.

On the serious side I really learned alot from my workshops and meetings and am looking forward to toning up, or would it be tuning up my services at the reference desk.

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