Friday, February 29, 2008

Socrates Café

First, a nod to the Word Woman:
Heterological: (adjective) failing to describe itself. An adjective is heterological just in those cases where it is not true of itself, e.g. "non-hypenated".

If something about this word's coherence or even its existence is as deeply troubling to you as it is to me (namely, is "heterological" heterological?), then you might enjoy the Socrates Café.

The Socrates Café strives to be an informal yet rigorous discussion of topics relating to the core areas of philosophy-- metaphysics, epistemology, logic, aesthetics, and, inevitably, ethics. Participants choose a broad question to explore, and then we spend the next two or so hours turning it upside-down, inside-out, and, sometimes, wrong way-round. Bring those lingering thoughts on in for a test!

Discussions are mediated with a firm but loving touch by the Library’s own Mitch Grady, who has actually had some measure of quite decent training in most areas of contemporary analytic philosophy.

Meetings are held at the Missoula Public Library on the last Thursday of each month and start at 7pm.

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