Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Frenchtown Branch Grand Opening

Last night we opened up the Frenchtown branch of the Missoula Public Library. Well, it has been open for a week now, but we held a grand opening celebration. Our branch librarian is Heather Tone, who has worked at the main branch for a little while and has worked really hard at getting some books out to Frenchtown and getting everything else sorted out. Here she is waiting to speak.

We also heard speeches from the school librarians and Neal Leathers, who is the chair of the Board of Trustees here at the library. Greg Pape, the Montana Poet Laureate, also read a few of his works. Then we moved upstairs to the library itself and held a ribbon cutting ceremony to make everything official. We seem to really love ribbon cutting ceremonies here lately..

And the people just poured in. We had somewhere near 80 people in attendance and gave out all kinds of door prizes and registered lots of new cards. It was pretty wild for a while.

This is my favorite picture from the night of a mother reading to her child at the library. Now people who live out toward Frenchtown won't have to drive all the way downtown to spend time reading to their kids at the library!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice job Ben