Thursday, January 10, 2008

Construction Update

If you've been into the library in the last week or so, you may have noticed some unusual goings-on in the children's department. The children's non-fiction books aren't quite where they used to be, it seems like something is missing, and it definitely feels like there's something new.

That's because we are building a gnome-house-inspired entryway to the children's department! This is just the beginning of some of the changes that will be coming. You may remember that our Director and Administrative Assistant got new offices a couple months ago. Next on the docket are the children's and young adult sections, with the entryway getting the ball rolling.

To make room for the entryway, we had to move one of the non-fiction shelves to the other side of the range of shelves, which is why all the books don't seem to be in quite the same place.

This sketch to the right is an idea of what the entryway will look like when it's all finished. Something is being changed or added every day, so come in and check it out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is wonderful...actually, that sketch is done by me (Casey O'Harren) for my mom Karen the Librarian. The drawing was actually done while I was studying abroad, so the vision came to me on a white sand beach in MX!!! I'm so excited to see the finished product! Viva los gnomes!