Thursday, August 16, 2007

I have good news, and I have bad news...

which would you like first?

I don't really believe that the best way to remove a bandaid is quickly, but in this case, I just want to get the pain over with, so here goes.

Missoula Public Library, as well as Missoula, are losing a very dear friend. Rita, who many of you know from Tiny Tales and Storytime, is leaving Montana. We are very sad to see her go, and know that she can never be replaced. During her fifteen years of service at MPL, Rita has acquired many fans, young and old. She has brought us many wonderful programs, such as our annual Pop-up Valentine program and our April teaparty. She also does a storytime with toddlers three times a week and is the highlight of many three-year-olds' mornings.

So what the heck is the good news?!?!

Well, we want to send Rita off on her new adventure in style. Her last day at MPL is Friday, August 24th and she's hosting one last spectacular program for us. Please join Rita at 2pm on the Front Street sidewalk outside the library. She'll be waiting with sidewalk chalk, watermelon, and lemonade. You can draw a picture representing your favorite book, your favorite summer activity, or a farewell card to Rita.

Please help us send Rita off with a bang, and let her know how much she'll be missed.

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