Monday, June 11, 2007

Entering A New World

Here at the Missoula Public Library we recently purchased our second Macbook. It may not seem like a big deal, but part of my job requires troubleshooting any computer in the Library. Today I butted heads with the new Mac on two different occasions. I did not find the operating system to be very user friendly, and felt naked without the right-click option. Not to say that Macs aren't user friendly, but this one is making problems for me. The especially frustrating thing is that it takes two or three times as long to do fairly simple tasks, such as locating the serial number, as it does on a PC. And the desktop background morphs and changes, making me think something is wrong, and making me feel strangely nauseous.

Really this boils down to me not being at all familiar with the OS. I'm getting better every time I face off with this formidable opponent, but I'm sure I'll never be comfortable in the Mac World. On the plus side, I'm using Ubuntu 7.04 at home, so I do know a thing or two about that world. Maybe someday we'll have all three running here at the library. Who knows?


whc03grady said...
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whc03grady said...

I've never had occasion to look for this MacBook's serial number, and have never seen anyone else do so, so, inspired by your post, I tried to find it.

It took all of perhaps four seconds.


Ben Miller said...

In retrospect it wasn't as hard as I made it out to be. I just like what I know and know what I like. Which isn't necessarily a good thing...