Sunday, July 29, 2007

A bit of this and that

Sorry, no pictures to go with this entry, I'll try harder next time. I realized that I have not posted anything to our blog for quite a while, I better get busy.

As most of you know, here in the Children's Department we've been busy with the school-age (6-years-old and up) activity program. This Tuesday, July 31st at 2 p.m. will be our last one for the summer. We have a professional storyteller, Tom McCormack, coming to bring colorful characters to life! Do you know what a storyteller is? It is not someone that sits in front of you and reads a book. He will tell stories, a much harder task, and well worth your time. If you are an adult, you might want to come to his workshop on Monday evening, July 30th at 7 p.m. in our large meeting room. During that time he will tell you about the importance of sharing your personal stories with your children. Then Tuesday he will do two different programs, the one at 2, and then at 4 p.m. he will do a program for teenagers, which will feature different indigenous musical instruments.

Our last Thursday afternoon at the movies will also take place this week. On Thursday, August 2nd at 2 p.m we will be showing the movie Barnyard. I will be your host at this movie, and I will be making popcorn.

For those of you that have still not picked up your Family Reading Folder, there is still time. Stop by the Children's Desk and ask for your folder before the 19th of August. You have until the end of August to collect your coupons for Dairy Queen or Good Food Store and Del's Place.

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