Sunday, November 7, 2010

Kate Davis and the Raptors of the Rockies

 Ansel, our Maltese Falcon for the day!

Kate Davis visited the library today to help us celebrate The Maltese Falcon and our Big Read!  She brought four birds with her.  Ansel Adams served as our very own Maltese Falcon; he's a Gyrfaklcon/Peregrine Hybrid.  Then there was iPod the Northern Pygme Owl, so tiny!  Max, the twenty-one year old Golden Eagle made a lasting impression (and not just on the library's carpeting). And Miles Davis, a Great Horned Owl, finished the program.

It was great fun and everyone learned a lot about raptors.  Be sure to check out Kate's books Falcons of North America and Raptors of the Rockies; you can find them at 598.9609 and 598.9097 in the library's non-fiction section.  And if you want your very own copy, head over to Fact and Fiction, the Book Exchange, or the Raptors of the Rockies website. 

Miles Davis

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