Thursday, August 12, 2010

Word Woman

Welcome to another mind-bending installment of Word Woman's Weekly Work-Out! The start of a new school year is only a few short weeks away, so it's time to limber up your brain by learning new words. Here's the Word of the Week to get you started:

Pronunciation: \ˈlü-krə-tiv\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English lucratif, from Middle French, from Latin lucrativus, from lucratus, past participle of lucrari to gain, from lucrum
Date: 15th century

: producing wealth : profitable

lu·cra·tive·ly adverb

lu·cra·tive·ness noun

"lucrative." Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. 2010.

Merriam-Webster Online. 4 August 2010

Example: John's lucrative idea of using bubble wrap to make jumping tents for kids proved so successful that he was able to retire at the age of twenty. Sadly, three years later, an unfortunate event involving a screwdriver ended in a lawsuit which cost him his fortune.

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