Saturday, September 8, 2007

Oh, the horror of it all

Do you realize how difficult it is to write a weekly blog post? I know, I know, what's once a week? But trying to come up with some exciting or informative topic every seven days is surprisingly difficult to do. If you asked my friends, or heck, even my co-workers, it's very difficult to get me to shut-up, so why do I find it so hard to talk about something here? Is it stage fright? The pressure of it all?

I have an idea! Why don't you submit, as a comment to this blog, a topic or topics you would like me to discuss. Now, they probably should be library-related, at least to some extent, but I would love to hear what you want to know. Some deep-dark question that you've always wanted to know about libraries or librarians, but were too afraid to ask? Well, ask away! Please!

1 comment:

Ree said...

Hello! Your blog is brilliant- well done, and keep at it!

I'm not a member of your local Missoula community, but I do inhabit the Montana library world. As an admirer of your fine innovative library, I'd love to have an overview of the sorts of community outreach-type services and programs you offer. Your patrons might be interested in a blog post highlighting the bennies offered by their library, and rural Montana librarian neighbors like myself might glean some ideas we can adapt to our far-flung little communities... So how about it? How do you, (the library), create community in Missoula?