After months and months of planning, we're proud to announce we now offer downloadable audiobooks!
To get started go to
our website and click on the downloadable audiobooks link or head to You will be instructed to download and install a media console, which will allow you to download audiobooks to your computer. You can download complete books, or select individual chapters if you have a slow connection. Head to
the help section if you're having trouble getting started. To see if your mp3 player/iPod will work take a look at
the supported device page, but remember, everyone with a
computer computer running windows can listen on the computer itself. (edit: reader
jon brought up the fact that the media console currently only works in a windows environment. A mac friendly console should be out around the end of the year, but there is no firm release date set. And Linux will be later down the line.)
We have titles for adults, teens and children. Right now our selection for iPods is pretty small, but growing everyday, so be sure to check back often! The library has mp3 players for available for check out and will soon have a download station in our building for those of you who don't have internet access at home. We're getting that set up right now, and will update the blog when it is ready to go.
Be sure to let us know how the service is working, we're excited to provide this service and want it to work well for everyone!